1.   Shake the pan gently to distribute the melted sugar evenly, then remove from the heat.

2.   Bake until golden brown and dried, shaking the pan occasionally so that the nuts brown evenly on all sides.

3.   Add butter to skillet, shaking pan to incorporate butter into the oil.

4.   Bring to a simmer, shaking pan occasionally to incorporate butter.

5.   Cook, shaking pan occasionally, until garlic begins to sizzle.

6.   Cook several minutes, shaking the pan occasionally, until aromatic.

7.   Cook, shaking pan now and then, until liquid is all but evaporated and chickpeas begin to brown.

8.   Cover pan with a tight-fitting lid and, holding lid in place, gently shake pan.

9.   Cook over medium heat while shaking the pan.

10.   Drain the hot water from the pan, and shake the pan to crack the shells of the eggs on all sides.

v. + pan >>共 166
remove 16.70%
cover 9.62%
place 8.26%
roast 4.90%
deglaze 4.54%
shake 3.54%
return 3.09%
put 2.63%
set 2.36%
fill 1.91%
shake + n. >>共 651
head 37.90%
hand 34.93%
confidence 2.12%
fist 1.32%
building 1.13%
faith 0.60%
market 0.51%
house 0.47%
pan 0.47%
area 0.45%
每页显示:    共 39