1.   And being able to discuss sensitive issues with strangers while retaining a comfortable degree of anonymity often makes for startlingly intimate communication.

2.   Encourage employees to adopt a problem-solving attitude when discussing sensitive issues.

3.   Expenses can be a sensitive issue but they should be available to all volunteers if needed.

4.   How can teachers be supported to help them deal with sensitive issues?

5.   Male resistance to contraception, where it exists, is also linked to the sensitive issue of authority within the household.

6.   The development programme is also a sensitive issue.

7.   The ordination of women and treatment of homosexual clergy - both sensitive issues - May well cause rifts.

8.   This has emerged as a sensitive issue because it involves the Red Cross, which normally conducts the visits.

9.   This is a sensitive issue on which many wax indignant.

10.   Weight remains a sensitive issue for Engler, who is constantly fighting a sometimes serious battle of the bulge.

a. + issue >>共 663
key 3.73%
major 3.06%
important 2.78%
political 2.71%
social 2.44%
sensitive 2.18%
economic 2.17%
contentious 1.91%
environmental 1.85%
new 1.79%
sensitive + n. >>共 769
issue 14.67%
information 6.78%
area 5.73%
time 2.84%
subject 2.63%
site 2.57%
topic 2.32%
technology 1.81%
stock 1.79%
one 1.66%
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