1.   It also is important to establish the recurrent right of the people to select political leaders who do take office.

2.   It is possible to obtain some guidance in selecting project leaders from the work of J. Gooch of Brunel University.

3.   As with much in the opaque process of selecting a leader for the monetary fund, however, American support was hardly clear-cut.

4.   But even if the Democratic Caucus decides next week to ignore seniority in selecting its leader on Banking, Vento does not have an open shot at the post.

5.   But Gingrich and his followers offered no apologies as they gathered to select their leaders for their new Congress.

6.   Indians were to be allowed to use their traditional assemblies to select their leaders, for example, and apply traditional laws to punish minor infractions.

7.   Just examine the way we select our leaders.

8.   Many also want to see real change in the way things are done, decisions are made, clergy chosen and leaders selected.

9.   So much for new lawmakers having a say in selecting their leaders.

10.   The Democrats on Tuesday also selected their leaders, re-electing Daschle and Minority Whip Harry Reid of Nevada without opposition.

v. + leader >>共 959
meet 9.64%
arrest 3.95%
include 3.83%
accuse 3.12%
say 2.37%
kill 2.04%
have 1.32%
choose 1.28%
elect 1.27%
criticize 1.25%
select 0.43%
select + n. >>共 989
candidate 2.61%
winner 2.53%
player 2.50%
team 2.33%
site 2.25%
option 1.99%
president 1.35%
member 1.29%
jury 1.21%
delegate 1.09%
leader 0.98%
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