1.   The homeless persons sought judicial review of that resolution by the local authority.

2.   The solicitor acting for the College sought a review of the decision on the ground that no argument on the Rybak decision had been heard before the IT.

3.   If the appellant is dissatisfied with the findings of the Appeal Committee he may, as mentioned below, seek judicial review of the decision in the Courts.

4.   Although a former federal elections officer found no reason to challenge the donation, Hoffa supporters say they are seeking another review.

5.   Anderson and the LaHues, meanwhile, sought review by the U.S. Supreme Court.

6.   Asserting that a regulation created an absolute right to visitors absent a finding of certain substantive predicates, the inmates sought review of the adequacy of the procedures.

7.   Both bills would also establish procedures for patients to appeal the denial of health services or payment by seeking review from an independent panel of medical experts.

8.   Although Cisneros can seek a review by the Supreme Court, his lawyers said he would not ask for an emergency stay that would further delay the trial.

9.   But last spring, the new administration sought a review of the rule as part of its energy initiative.

10.   But officials in the Wilson and Weld administrations say seeking another review is just being prudent.

v. + review >>共 344
receive 7.31%
complete 6.01%
conduct 5.52%
get 4.68%
draw 3.15%
order 3.04%
pend 2.83%
mix 2.76%
write 2.27%
include 2.24%
seek 2.20%
seek + n. >>共 791
comment 6.91%
help 3.98%
refuge 2.48%
approval 2.06%
asylum 2.05%
support 1.99%
way 1.81%
re-election 1.81%
damage 1.72%
advice 1.69%
review 0.18%
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