1.   Government scientists insert the hand into a re-animation chamber, which isolates a single DNA strand.

2.   In the new experiments, scientists inserted hair-thin electrodes into the brains of two owl monkeys.

3.   Next, he hopes to build a model in which doubting scientists can insert their own meters and thermometers to see if cold fusion exists.

4.   Scientists have even inserted flounder genes into tomatoes to prevent freezing.

5.   Scientists insert biochips into laboratory analysis equipment to perform thousands of biochemical experiments simultaneously at a fraction of the cost and time required for traditional tests.

6.   A soybean that proved allergenic after scientists inserted a gene from the Brazil nut was withdrawn before it reached the market.

7.   At issue is burgeoning research in which scientists insert human genes into laboratory animals.

8.   In tests on dogs with fractures, the scientists inserted the sponges into the damaged area, and bone cells began to grow into it, Bonadio said.

9.   Scientists have been inserting genes into crop plants to help them resist insects and herbicides, for example.

10.   Scientists currently insert genes into fertilized eggs in a laboratory, which is a very inefficient way to produce animals that use the genes properly.

n. + insert >>共 178
doctor 18.44%
surgeon 4.75%
user 3.63%
scientist 3.07%
researcher 1.96%
woman 1.96%
tube 1.68%
lawmaker 1.12%
surgery 1.12%
people 1.12%
scientist + v. >>共 535
say 14.78%
be 6.96%
believe 4.75%
find 2.95%
have 2.51%
know 2.46%
use 1.83%
hope 1.75%
try 1.60%
think 1.53%
insert 0.10%
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