1.   Mr Major, meanwhile, cancelled a scheduled visit to Manchester to watch the Test match and worked on his speech instead.

2.   Angel Gurria, the Mexican foreign minister, was here on Thursday on a previously scheduled visit and said he got an earful.

3.   Aninat will visit Washington this week along with Chilean President Eduardo Frei on a previously scheduled visit.

4.   As they did during the gulf war, cruise lines have quickly changed from scheduled visits to Middle Eastern ports to presumably safer and more appealing harbors.

5.   A scheduled visit by a team from the International Monetary Fund has been postponed, Matos Azocar said, because of financial moil with Brazil.

6.   After leaving the gulf next Wednesday, Cohen will go to Russia on a previously scheduled visit that is likely to be overshadowed by the confrontation with Iraq.

7.   Against this backdrop, the scheduled visit by the four former ambassadors had attracted enormous interest in South Korea where it was seen as a potentially hopeful sign.

8.   Bush will be pressing his cause Tuesday when President Jacques Chirac of France will be at the White House for a previously scheduled visit.

9.   But Irish officials said Bruton might delay or curtail his scheduled visit to Canada, which was to begin Saturday, in order to meet with Major.

a. + visit >>共 423
official 14.92%
first 11.46%
state 7.88%
recent 4.45%
private 3.34%
brief 3.22%
planned 2.95%
papal 1.95%
second 1.82%
last 1.54%
scheduled 1.18%
scheduled + n. >>共 662
meeting 8.91%
start 6.57%
flight 5.61%
visit 4.20%
game 3.37%
trip 2.24%
appearance 2.03%
departure 1.60%
talk 1.57%
item 1.52%
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