1.   Building anew on the old sacred texts, these innovations brought a spiritual renewal to every major faith.

2.   Messing around with sacred texts is against their religious law.

3.   Yet these texts are read as sacred texts.

4.   And several of his works drew on Buddhist chants and sacred texts.

5.   Bergman said he had also tried to cite sacred texts to explain why certain buildings have distinctive architectural features.

6.   Before the Europeans, native religions understood myth and nature as sacred texts.

7.   A sacred text, almost by definition, is a coded text, one in which surface phenomena point to deeper matters.

8.   A sacred text is not meant to be simply read.

9.   Almost by definition, a sacred text is a form of hypertext.

10.   But after making several Christian references over the last few days, Bush on Monday used the Koran, the Islamic sacred text, to make his point.

a. + text >>共 628
full 7.46%
prepared 4.13%
final 3.19%
religious 2.72%
ancient 2.39%
sacred 2.35%
new 2.25%
original 1.78%
literary 1.74%
biblical 1.50%
sacred + n. >>共 378
site 10.14%
place 4.75%
text 4.03%
ground 3.86%
space 2.50%
object 2.33%
music 2.09%
shrine 2.01%
trust 1.69%
symbol 1.37%
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