1.   It will protect computers used in harsh environments against dust, oil, water, rough handling, vibration and tampering.

2.   Lucy was no saint, but she could forgive him the rough handling.

3.   Ludens said afterwards that it was a sound of protest at this rough handling.

4.   Plants can suffer from too much sun or too little water, or a watch from rough handling.

5.   The equipment should be able to withstand a certain amount of rough handling.

6.   The police have been criticized for their rough handling of the demonstrators.

7.   Although the Vermont senator avoided recriminations, Sen. John McCain minced no words, attacking the Bush administration for its alleged rough handling of Republican moderates.

8.   But avocados are hardy, and can take rough handling.

9.   Despite the rough handling, the plants grew to produce seeds that contained the bacteria DNA.

10.   Dresdner had complained that the confiscation of documents and rough handling of some staff by authorities breached their constitutional rights.

a. + handling >>共 263
careful 4.87%
rough 4.55%
poor 4.38%
better 3.73%
proper 3.41%
improper 3.08%
responsive 2.60%
safe 1.62%
gentle 1.46%
deft 1.30%
rough + n. >>共 651
sea 11.68%
time 4.50%
edge 3.43%
spot 3.07%
terrain 2.71%
weather 2.56%
water 2.53%
ride 2.25%
play 2.20%
start 2.05%
handling 0.72%
每页显示:    共 28