1.   The advantage of such a charging structure is that the investor is rewarded with a lower initial charge.

2.   And there certainly are the Microsofts and Cisco Systems that handsomely rewarded investors who saw their promise before it was proved.

3.   As another Wall Street saying goes, markets reward patient investors and punish panic sellers.

4.   As those numbers shrink through mergers, costs should come down, margins should increase, and investors should be rewarded.

5.   Bankinter today became the latest Spanish company to dig into its cash pile to reward investors.

6.   Bankinter today became the latest Spanish company willing to dig into its cash pile to reward investors.

7.   Because Fidelity has handled risk well in its domestic stock portfolios, investors have been rewarded for extra risk.

8.   Both companies have rewarded their investors in the last few years.

9.   But Conway still believes long-term investors will be rewarded for their patience.

10.   But even if micro caps fail to ride along with the current bull market, history suggests that patient investors will be rewarded.

v. + investor >>共 654
attract 10.79%
lure 4.63%
say 2.73%
reassure 2.42%
draw 2.36%
discourage 2.22%
keep 2.16%
disappoint 2.00%
protect 1.86%
encourage 1.83%
reward 0.64%
reward + n. >>共 538
company 4.99%
effort 3.29%
employee 2.96%
investor 2.83%
people 2.43%
patience 2.10%
player 2.04%
shareholder 1.97%
worker 1.84%
faith 1.38%
每页显示:    共 43