1.   This may be made, either initially or subsequently, as part of a revised offer.

2.   New conditions which are necessary in order to implement a revised offer will, however, be permitted subject to the prior consent of the Panel.

3.   And Value Health spurned a revised stock offer from Medpartners.

4.   At the heart of the revised offer is a twist that would allow shareholders of Santa Fe to cash in on the offer immediately.

5.   Bethlehem said Lukens management had accepted its revised offer.

6.   Brazil and India were among eight nations to submit revised offers this morning.

7.   A telecom accord came a step closer to completion today when the U.S. presented a revised offer to further open its telecom market to competition.

8.   Brazil and India were among eight nations to submit revised offers early yesterday.

9.   CONSOB officials said Olivetti was free to resubmit a revised offer.

10.   Gary Bettman, the NHL commissioner, presented the revised offer to Bob Goodenow, executive director of the NHL Players Association, at a meeting in Manhattan.

a. + offer >>共 776
new 5.85%
tender 4.95%
takeover 2.87%
better 2.74%
latest 2.44%
formal 2.32%
special 2.10%
higher 2.08%
similar 2.08%
final 2.02%
revised 1.00%
revised + n. >>共 403
version 6.01%
plan 5.29%
figure 3.85%
bill 3.25%
proposal 3.19%
law 3.06%
offer 3.00%
estimate 2.88%
forecast 2.34%
budget 1.86%
每页显示:    共 50