1.   Alternatively, this finding May presage respiratory failure.

2.   Although the causes are unknown the result is a sudden and unexpected respiratory failure.

3.   And many avoid morphine, a powerful painkiller, for fear it will cause respiratory failure and death.

4.   Banda died of respiratory failure.

5.   Benavidez, who lived in El Campo, Texas, suffered respiratory failure, the hospital said.

6.   Bob Otten, his college roommate and teammate and a close friend since, said the cause of death was respiratory failure.

7.   A blood clot that goes to the brain, for example, can trigger a series of problems that lead quickly to heart and respiratory failure.

8.   A hospital spokesman said he was being treated for respiratory failure, exposure, hypothermia and the effects of near-drowning.

9.   A son, Peter H. Aaron, said that his father had been suffering from spinal cancer but that respiratory failure was the cause of death.

10.   But she also had a history of urinary tract infections, respiratory failure, ulcers, strokes and gastrointestinal bleeding.

a. + failure >>共 628
mechanical 11.21%
liver 6.41%
respiratory 4.50%
renal 3.10%
corporate 2.44%
recent 2.09%
technical 1.79%
complete 1.64%
past 1.61%
total 1.40%
respiratory + n. >>共 111
problem 24.27%
infection 16.52%
failure 9.52%
ailment 6.75%
illness 6.62%
disease 6.12%
tract 4.85%
distress 2.02%
therapist 1.51%
condition 1.32%
每页显示:    共 150