1.   Open positions are those shares that have been borrowed and sold, but not yet covered by repurchase.

2.   Open positions of short sales are shares that have been borrowed and sold, but not yet covered by repurchase.

3.   Open positions on short sales are shares that have been borrowed and sold, but not yet covered by repurchase.

4.   Open positions of short sales are those shares that have been borrowed and sold, but not yet covered by repurchase.

5.   Open positions, like those reported Friday, are shares borrowed and sold, but not yet covered by repurchase.

6.   These positions, known as short interest, are shares that have been borrowed and sold but not yet covered by repurchase.

7.   Uncovered short sales are those shares that have been borrowed and sold, but not yet covered by repurchase.

8.   Uncovered short sales, or short sales with open positions, are those in which the borrowed shares have been sold but not covered by repurchases.

9.   Uncovered short sales, or those with open positions, are shares that have been borrowed and sold, but not yet covered by repurchase.

10.   Uncovered short sales, or those with open positions, are those shares that have been borrowed and sold but not yet covered by repurchase.

v. + cover >>共 220
use 14.73%
expand 7.84%
extend 6.11%
be 2.98%
sell 2.51%
rush 2.51%
buy 2.04%
repurchase 1.88%
run 1.72%
die 1.25%
repurchase + v. >>共 7
cover 63.16%
unchange 10.53%
continue 5.26%
get 5.26%
raise 5.26%
supply 5.26%
surge 5.26%
每页显示:    共 12