1.   A strong dollar helps exporters by making their goods cheaper abroad and increasing their earnings when they repatriate their dollar-denominated earnings.

2.   A strong dollar helps German exporters by making their goods cheaper abroad and increasing their profits when they repatriate their dollar-denominated earnings.

3.   A stronger dollar helps German exporters by making their goods cheaper abroad and increasing their profits when they repatriated their dollar-denominated earnings.

4.   A strong dollar makes German exporters goods cheaper abroad and boosts their profits when they repatriate their dollar-denominated earnings.

5.   A weaker deutsche mark benefits companies with significant sales abroad as it makes their exports more competitive and means they receive more marks when they repatriate their non-German earnings.

6.   A weaker yen enables exporters to keep prices down overseas, and allows them to book larger profits when they repatriate earnings.

7.   A weak mark is good news for these large exporters because it means their goods cost less abroad and they also receive more marks when they repatriate their earnings.

8.   Businessmen say they must sell carpets and other export items at prices determined by the government and then repatriate hard currency earnings at the official rate.

9.   Earnings mount as the local currency declines because the exporters can buy more rand when they repatriate their foreign-currency earnings.

10.   Fuel is one of the largest expenses for airlines, and a strong currency translates into fewer profits when overseas earnings are repatriated.

v. + earnings >>共 458
report 15.64%
boost 10.22%
hurt 9.14%
release 4.49%
announce 3.06%
post 2.53%
reduce 2.51%
increase 2.30%
improve 1.69%
have 1.67%
repatriate 0.45%
repatriate + n. >>共 107
refugee 18.98%
profit 11.60%
revenue 6.33%
earnings 4.04%
body 3.69%
immigrant 3.69%
remains 2.81%
fund 2.64%
worker 2.64%
thousand 2.11%
每页显示:    共 23