1.   Are there adequate and appropriate resources to remedy any deficiencies which are exposed?

2.   Attempts to remedy the deficiencies in these statistics suffer from a number of problems and difficulties themselves.

3.   For over a millennium believers have chipped off pieces in a faithful attempt to remedy their deficiencies.

4.   Many provisions of the Sale of Goods Act were designed to remedy such deficiencies in the contract.

5.   Processes were scrutinized to remedy deficiencies internal to physical geography.

6.   The inevitable reduction in the amount of time likely to be given to singing challenges the Church to remedy this deficiency.

7.   The research to be undertaken will attempt to remedy this deficiency.

8.   And NATO Secretary-General George Robertson said in an interview that European members of the alliance are not doing enough to remedy their deficiencies.

9.   Are the arena authorities willing to remedy any deficiencies in the arena?

10.   Asvestas said she wrote to the USDA explaining how deficiencies have been remedied.

v. + deficiency >>共 91
correct 13.89%
have 7.94%
find 5.16%
address 4.37%
remedy 4.37%
iron 3.57%
cause 2.78%
overcome 2.78%
cite 2.38%
mask 1.98%
remedy + n. >>共 82
problem 34.25%
situation 24.86%
deficiency 3.04%
defect 2.49%
discrimination 2.21%
injustice 1.93%
condition 1.66%
damage 1.10%
lack 1.10%
shortcoming 1.10%
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