1.   If China thinks it is more vulnerable in energy, it could become more assertive, particularly if U.S.-Chinese relations turn adversarial.

2.   Kudoh plays the lost love Hawke is still pining for when Japanese-American relations turn sour in Puget Sound, Wash., during World War II.

3.   U.S.-Chinese relations turned chilly last April after a U.S. spy plane collided with a Chinese military jet.

4.   An anti-climax of sorts, the scene is dramatic when relations between the two turn into a lovers tiff.

5.   But after the election, relations turned sour.

6.   But relations later turned chilly after U.S. President George W. Bush took office and ordered a review of policy toward North Korea.

7.   But relations turned chilly after U.S. President George W. Bush ordered a review of policy toward North Korea.

8.   But their relations turned sour when Abul Kalam put pressure on his in-laws to return the money.

9.   But relations turned chilly after Bush took office and ordered a review of policy toward North Korea.

10.   But relations turned icy in recent months after Egypt tried unsuccessfully to pressure Israel to open its nuclear weapons program to international inspection.

n. + turn >>共 1351
thing 1.66%
people 1.66%
company 1.51%
investor 1.01%
government 0.95%
tide 0.94%
market 0.82%
man 0.80%
official 0.78%
weather 0.77%
relation 0.07%
relation + v. >>共 205
be 30.81%
improve 10.16%
remain 6.09%
deteriorate 5.14%
sour 3.67%
warm 2.26%
begin 2.09%
suffer 1.92%
continue 1.81%
worsen 1.69%
turn 0.85%
每页显示:    共 15