1.   Iaki Esnaola, who had publicly referred to differences over ETA tactics, also resigned as a deputy in the regional legislative assembly.

2.   The accord follows a threat by the Greens to withdraw their support for the Socialists in the regional assembly unless consideration for environmental factors was built into development strategies.

3.   Everybody in the region would have to pay a new tax towards a regional assembly based on Tyneside and dominated by Labour politicians.

4.   And the third would be a consultative body linking the three new regional assemblies.

5.   And there is little expectation, judging from the last parliament and other regional assemblies, that the Communists and ultranationalists can find common ground.

6.   Asked if he would resign as chairman of the regional assembly in Burgundy, Soisson said he would meet with the others Wednesday and decide.

7.   Balloting was to be held for regional assemblies to protect ethnic minority rights once this area returns to Croatian control.

8.   But Monday, Le Pen lost a bid for the presidency of the regional assembly in Marseilles because conservatives there refused to support him.

9.   But Tuesday, Le Pen lost a bid for the presidency of the regional assembly in Marseilles because conservatives there refused to support him.

10.   Furthermore, Bosnian refugees who voted with absentee ballots managed to hand the Muslim-led Party of Democratic Action six seats in the regional Serbian assembly.

a. + assembly >>共 417
national 13.30%
state 6.74%
new 6.21%
provincial 3.30%
local 3.30%
final 3.22%
parliamentary 2.76%
special 2.68%
regional 2.41%
constitutional 2.15%
regional + n. >>共 949
leader 3.14%
government 2.67%
currency 2.62%
bank 2.15%
security 2.12%
market 1.47%
office 1.43%
company 1.38%
cooperation 1.28%
crisis 1.25%
assembly 0.32%
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