1.   By refusing visas to the IAEA inspectors, Iraq had put itself in violation of the treaty.

2.   European governments have refused visas to the same guerrilla commanders who once toured their capitals.

3.   Further, he said, the U.S. government, by several times refusing him visas to enter the country, unconstitutionally discriminated against him because he was Ethiopian.

4.   Moreover, he is irritated that when he and several other lawmakers tried to visit North Korea last summer, the North refused them visas.

5.   Milosevic has consistently refused visas to the tribunal and has refused to recognize its jurisdiction.

6.   Since Lebanon does not recognize Israel, you may be refused a visa if your passport has any Israeli stamps in it.

7.   The Iraqi government, which already delays or refuses visas to international experts, could simply bar monitors.

8.   The United States has banned new business deals there by U.S. companies and refuses visas to Myanmar government officials.

9.   The White House is pandering needlessly to China in refusing a visa to President Lee Teng-hui of Taiwan for a private visit to the United States.

10.   Though they later relented, Rwandan officials in fact refused a visa last month for the new chief prosecutor, Carla Del Ponte.

v. + visa >>共 159
issue 11.86%
grant 10.00%
obtain 9.14%
deny 8.27%
get 6.91%
overstay 6.73%
have 3.41%
revoke 3.09%
receive 2.82%
refuse 2.73%
refuse + n. >>共 591
comment 17.10%
request 9.74%
offer 5.86%
entry 4.88%
permission 3.75%
demand 3.08%
order 2.50%
treatment 2.37%
access 2.15%
food 1.71%
visa 1.30%
每页显示:    共 60