1.   Three days later, however, President Nixon ordered that the reconnaissance missions be resumed and that they receive adequate protection.

2.   The helicopter was returning from a reconnaissance mission.

3.   Navies all over the world do more than just try and blow each other out of the water, or go on desperate reconnaissance missions as seen on TV.

4.   Amin said that the American and British commandoes have been conducting reconnaissance missions and working with the anti-Taliban group.

5.   Amin said that the American and British commandos have been conducting reconnaissance missions and working with the rebels.

6.   As part of their week aboard the USS Wasp and two other ships, the Marines practiced reconnaissance missions and a helicopter raid.

7.   Battlefield commanders, accustomed to waiting hours, sometimes days, for the results of reconnaissance missions, now receive airborne battlefield views instantly on color monitors.

8.   Blecker says cartons of cigarettes were also dropped by helicopter to soldiers on long-range reconnaissance missions.

9.   Both presidents also reduced the frequency of the reconnaissance missions off Russia and ordered American subs to maintain greater distances from Russian vessels.

10.   British aerial refueling tankers have serviced U.S. Navy jets, and British planes have flown reconnaissance missions.

n. + mission >>共 448
peace 10.99%
trade 10.48%
rescue 7.53%
observer 5.35%
shuttle 5.05%
reconnaissance 3.79%
suicide 3.21%
space 2.88%
repair 2.15%
spy 1.89%
reconnaissance + n. >>共 87
plane 21.44%
mission 15.92%
flight 15.50%
aircraft 10.30%
team 4.46%
drone 3.08%
patrol 2.23%
unit 2.23%
satellite 2.12%
photo 1.59%
每页显示:    共 149