1.   Global rating scales were used to determine outcome expectations.

2.   Social distance can be expressed as a series of questions constituting a rating scale.

3.   The difficulties associated with questionnaires are usually also applicable to rating scales.

4.   This also is done mainly by interview although some use is made of psychometric tests, profiles and rating scales.

5.   When calculated for an individual subject this measure corresponds to the point on a confidence rating scale where the subject is indifferent between targets and distractors.

6.   Data on these stimuli are also available from a subsequent study using a series of rating scales.

7.   Subjects were then given an example and instructions in how to fill out the rating scales.

8.   The global rating scale was used as described by Jaeschke.

a. + scale >>共 454
large 12.97%
smaller 7.27%
small 5.84%
grand 4.81%
larger 3.78%
global 3.42%
japanese 3.39%
full 2.60%
national 2.14%
massive 2.03%
rating 0.68%
rating + n. >>共 145
system 31.77%
agency 23.83%
company 3.85%
service 3.13%
point 2.53%
scale 2.29%
firm 1.81%
outlook 1.44%
downgrade 1.44%
change 1.44%
每页显示:    共 19