1.   He agreed to sweeping reforms, a rapid transition to multiparty politics, consultations with the opposition, and an amnesty for political offenders.

2.   Soviet economist Grigory Yavlinsky, revived the Shatalin plan for a more rapid transition to a market economy.

3.   Preliminary examination of channel recordings obtained from cell attached patches showed rapid current transitions, channels opening and closing for comparatively short periods.

4.   If this is the case the economy will move with great speed from point A to point C, completely bypassing point B.

5.   At no stage in the rapid transition from A to C has any criterion of the rational expectations hypothesis been violated.

6.   And some activists say a rapid transition away from communism could cause more harm than good in Cuba.

7.   For reasons that are not yet well understood, cells in their primary auditory cortex cannot detect rapid transition phonemes, she said.

8.   In America, Muslims can enjoy a fairly rapid transition to citizenship, but in Europe there is no melting pot.

9.   In short, the decision will either lead to a continuation of Netscape-like startups or rapid transition to a Microsoft-controlled oligopoly of Internet software.

10.   Japan thus began its rapid transition from a Second Wave brute-force economy to a Third Wave brain-force economy.

a. + transition >>共 462
smooth 14.20%
peaceful 5.32%
democratic 3.43%
difficult 3.43%
political 3.09%
presidential 2.63%
orderly 2.58%
easy 2.29%
successful 2.29%
gradual 1.77%
rapid 0.97%
rapid + n. >>共 708
growth 14.64%
reaction 9.24%
change 4.48%
expansion 3.63%
development 3.43%
rise 3.22%
pace 3.10%
deployment 2.05%
succession 1.97%
progress 1.91%
transition 0.33%
每页显示:    共 17