1.   And nearly half of them warned that if ranch land continued to be converted into golf courses and condominiums, they would not return.

2.   Billy Parham and John Grady Cole have a deep love for the scrub ranch land of the Southwest that is becoming economically unfeasible for earning a living.

3.   A self-described environmentalist, Turner vows he will never develop his ranch land.

4.   Formerly used as ranch land, it had been overgrazed by cattle and needed several years of careful management to return to a healthier state.

5.   He had kept the mineral rights on his ranch land in Wyoming, and they discovered oil.

6.   He read a serious speech about a serious topic, as serious-looking Texas ranch land rolled out behind him.

7.   He won two years later in a diverse district that includes trendy Santa Fe and conservative Los Alamos, as well as remote ranch land and impoverished Indian pueblos.

8.   Hunters who strayed on to ranch land used to be prosecuted.

9.   In Montana, environmental groups have been buying up large tracts of ranch land, which would otherwise be carved up and sold as ranchettes.

10.   In the ranch lands of southwestern Cordoba, people familiar with the organization said raising money had never been hard.

n. + land >>共 441
farm 8.94%
forest 5.88%
government 4.35%
plane 3.28%
trust 2.75%
desert 2.44%
crop 2.06%
ranch 2.06%
park 1.99%
reservation 1.83%
ranch + n. >>共 128
hand 10.91%
owner 8.31%
home 7.27%
land 7.01%
dressing 3.90%
manager 2.86%
employee 2.60%
worker 2.60%
property 2.34%
life 2.34%
每页显示:    共 27