1.   Public pension funds have experimented with such investments and have sustained huge losses.

2.   And Goldman, Sachs has begun managing money for Nenpuku, a large Japanese public pension fund.

3.   And some public officials point out that taxpayers may gain in the long run because private prison guards will not be on public pensions when they retire.

4.   As European governments increasingly outsource their giant public pension funds, Connelly sees a flood of new money going into these markets, fueling unprecedented liquidity.

5.   Banks also rose on a flood of money from public pension funds, analysts and investors said.

6.   Banks gains were spurred by public pension fund buying in the morning, traders said.

7.   Bonds have generally provided below-average returns compared with other public pension funds, which include equities.

8.   A number of foundations and universities, including Harvard and Johns Hopkins, have abandoned tobacco stocks in recent years, but few public pension funds have followed suit.

9.   Buying by public pension funds contributed to the rise, traders said.

10.   Calpers, the largest U.S. public pension fund, has to date put so much in passive management because its large size makes it difficult to beat an index.

a. + pension >>共 407
state 9.44%
private 8.44%
public 6.09%
traditional 2.60%
new 1.95%
domestic 1.90%
national 1.70%
corporate 1.65%
higher 1.65%
military 1.60%
public + n. >>共 762
support 2.43%
fund 2.08%
appearance 2.05%
hearing 1.96%
comment 1.87%
official 1.85%
transport 1.69%
education 1.68%
statement 1.66%
office 1.58%
pension 0.23%
每页显示:    共 121