1.   There is now considerable interest in the assessment of processes, problem solving strategies, and creativity in mathematics.

2.   Every site is different and the possibilities offered will vary, but problem solving offers teachers a transferable method that can be adapted to most sites.

3.   Another problem solved.

4.   Both charges are true, but the second problem solves the first.

5.   But Bibby believes those problems will solve themselves.

6.   But I would suggest that what this negotiation is about is problem solving.

7.   But in the short term, the problem may solve itself.

8.   But it is for his inventive method of problem solving that I remember him here.

9.   He said Promise Keepers call only men because it is men with the moral problems that need solving and who can vow together to change.

10.   Her public school teachers told her parents they doubted she would be able to read, a problem solved when her parents bought her eyeglasses.

n. + solve >>共 443
problem 3.87%
government 2.99%
police 1.75%
company 1.62%
step 1.62%
system 1.50%
force 1.25%
technology 1.25%
election 1.12%
action 1.12%
problem + v. >>共 326
be 56.64%
arise 2.80%
remain 1.94%
occur 1.33%
come 1.28%
exist 1.26%
have 1.18%
lie 1.15%
begin 1.11%
go 1.01%
solve 0.14%
每页显示:    共 31