1.   Appearing front and center in television shows, print advertising and contemporary art, the plastic aesthetic seems to embody extremes in female passivity and power.

2.   Another advantage of guerrilla marketing, claim its fans, is that it is cheaper than typical TV or print advertising.

3.   Another part of the campaign is print advertising, which will begin Monday.

4.   Appearing front and center in television shows, print advertising and contemporary art, the plastic esthetic seems to embody extremes in female passivity and power.

5.   Besides, computers are constantly being used to change images in print advertising.

6.   But Koontz does not fly and therefore Knopf has had to invest heavily in television, radio and print advertising.

7.   Deutsch Inc. in New York won the Best of Show for print advertising for a Tanqueray gin ad featuring the fictitious Mr. Jenkins.

8.   Drugmakers have in the past been limited to vague television and radio ads because the FDA had a single set of guidelines covering television, radio and print advertising.

9.   Each producer could have one major sports sponsorship and there would be no restrictions on print advertising.

10.   For House Beautiful, the exhibit is a model for how to magnify its print advertising.

a. + advertising >>共 478
political 5.84%
online 4.82%
negative 3.97%
false 3.75%
selling 2.89%
outdoor 2.79%
print 2.30%
national 2.09%
free 2.04%
paid 1.98%
print + n. >>共 315
ad 16.97%
medium 11.84%
advertisement 5.52%
reporter 2.93%
advertising 2.86%
version 2.79%
campaign 2.59%
journalist 2.40%
publication 2.13%
dress 2.06%
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