1.   An Associated Press poll says a sizable majority of Americans now presume Simpson guilty.

2.   Because we are afraid of what might happen in schools, accused kids are presumed guilty from the start.

3.   But these activists argue that men should not always be presumed guilty until proven innocent.

4.   Even longtime friends like me presumed him guilty of recent boorishness.

5.   Exonerated in court, Ellen is nonetheless presumed guilty.

6.   Moreover, the hundreds of men who have been detained are presumed guilty until proven innocent, their defenders say.

7.   Criminal suspects on trial in Vietnam are presumed guilty unless proven innocent.

8.   Currently, defendants are presumed guilty and judicial proceedings are weighted against them.

9.   In Chinese trials, however, the defendant usually is presumed guilty.

10.   In Chinese trials, the defendant is presumed guilty and the outcome is usually predetermined.

v. + guilty >>共 18
find 95.43%
prove 1.05%
consider 0.52%
declare 0.49%
found 0.49%
presume 0.41%
pronounce 0.38%
believe 0.26%
make 0.23%
judge 0.20%
presume + a. >>共 37
dead 66.75%
innocent 10.47%
drowned 4.71%
guilty 3.66%
killed 1.83%
lost 1.31%
sane 1.05%
lost_at_sea 0.79%
responsible 0.79%
stolen 0.79%
每页显示:    共 14