1.   Clement combined his highly positive evaluation of culture with a severe puritanism towards any concessions to polytheistic myth and cult.

2.   Such values work at the expense of a positive evaluation of females.

3.   Again, he was assigned to try to recruit Iranians as spies, and soon received a positive evaluation.

4.   Agent Frank Bauer confirmed that Miller received a positive evaluation from a Chicago-based neurologist and Seahawks team doctors are following up with analysis of their own.

5.   Both reviews spoke of positive evaluations given to Nedder by students.

6.   Her lawyers asserted that she had received positive evaluations, including recommendations for promotions.

7.   How many were returned, after treatment and positive evaluations, to nonparish positions away from children and young people?

8.   It becomes impossible for employees to expect a positive evaluation when their performance is sub-par.

9.   Positive evaluations of his performance have risen steadily, with only minor hiccups.

10.   So the principal wrote up a positive evaluation if the teacher agreed to go elsewhere.

a. + evaluation >>共 290
psychiatric 15.34%
psychological 8.15%
medical 5.72%
further 3.03%
independent 2.51%
preliminary 1.91%
mental 1.82%
positive 1.65%
final 1.39%
thorough 1.30%
positive + n. >>共 472
test 5.17%
result 4.24%
sign 3.34%
effect 3.16%
territory 2.89%
side 2.75%
news 2.65%
development 2.42%
attitude 2.07%
response 2.04%
evaluation 0.19%
每页显示:    共 19