1.   As a result, the Police Commission adopted deadlines, giving the LAPD less than two years to put in place key measures.

2.   Across a jittery nation, state and local officials, fearing retaliation for U.S. airstrikes in Afghanistan, continued putting in place new security measures.

3.   Courthouse officials said they were appalled, and put into place security measures, such as restricting cameras to designated areas.

4.   Even in death he left in place heroic measures to ensure the continued presence of the Royals in Kansas City.

5.   Sixty-six percent predicted that employees would be more caring toward one another, and about half said employers would put in place stronger security measures..

6.   Testifying before a closed Senate Intelligence Committee hearing Wednesday, Freeh was asked why the bureau has not put in place internal security measures the CIA has already adopted.

7.   To prevent similar problems, the White House has now put in place stricter measures to screen visitors to the White House.

8.   Allied governments are putting in place additional measures to tighten the constraints on the Belgrade regime.

9.   He urged the government to put in place legal measures and educational reforms to end prostitution and to work toward eliminating all forms of discrimination against women.

10.   If it is not reflective of our strong economicfundamentals, we need to put into place measures to correct this.

n. + measure >>共 887
security 25.25%
austerity 6.96%
safety 5.48%
government 3.14%
ballot 2.99%
reform 2.52%
stimulus 1.96%
conservation 1.87%
tax 1.80%
market 1.64%
place 0.19%
place + n. >>共 463
finish 8.74%
name 5.15%
team 4.42%
finisher 3.22%
kicker 2.02%
vote 1.84%
rule 1.84%
point 1.47%
play-off 1.38%
restriction 1.38%
measure 1.29%
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