1.   But perhaps the biggest restraint on economic growth, Sachs suggested, was the pervasive corruption.

2.   But so too is the pervasive corruption that stained the Chernomyrdin record.

3.   Elsewhere, in places like Nigeria and Angola, pervasive corruption has cheated ordinary citizens and discouraged needed investment.

4.   Indians punished the Congress Party for pervasive corruption, lackluster leadership and the uneven benefits so far produced by bold but wrenching economic reforms.

5.   Kenya has been hobbled by pervasive corruption, and that has kept away investors and caused the United States and other countries to limit assistance.

6.   Several U.S. officials portrayed the arrest as the latest example of how pervasive corruption frustrates attempts to work with Mexican law enforcement.

7.   Some U.S. lawmakers had sought to decertify Mexico as a full-fledged partner in the drug war, citing pervasive corruption of Mexican officials by powerful narcotics cartels.

8.   The biggest, most enduring impact on the budget could come from stamping out the pervasive corruption in government circles, some analysts said.

9.   The crowd, protesting a steady decline in living standards and the pervasive corruption by Karadzic and his backers, shouted its support.

10.   Then, there is the pervasive corruption.

a. + corruption >>共 398
alleged 11.58%
widespread 10.53%
rampant 8.55%
political 8.02%
official 7.79%
massive 3.63%
high-level 3.56%
endemic 2.64%
public 1.82%
possible 1.62%
pervasive 0.96%
pervasive + n. >>共 220
influence 6.49%
corruption 6.28%
sense 5.63%
problem 4.55%
theme 2.16%
fear 1.95%
feeling 1.73%
violence 1.52%
pattern 1.30%
presence 1.30%
每页显示:    共 29