1.   The board argued that the dispute was not protected by the First Amendment since it was an internal personnel matter.

2.   Individual advice to members on employment and any personnel matters associated with their work.

3.   Armey now will have final say in all personnel matters, while Jay Zygmunt will become club president and handle contracts and salary cap issues.

4.   As music director designate, Levine will supervise some artistic planning and help deal with orchestral personnel matters.

5.   As the team president with final say on personnel matters, Pitino insists he is not going anywhere until at least after next season.

6.   Asked whether he was concerned about that, Dopson said it was a personnel matter and he could not discuss it.

7.   At present, Belichick is the head coach, and he will have the final say on personnel matters.

8.   Board members routinely intercede in such personnel matters as transfers and promotions that should be handled by Zacarias, it says.

9.   Bob Kraft, the owner, decided to give Belichick final say on all personnel matters.

10.   A Sears spokeswoman said it is company policy not to comment on personnel matters.

n. + matter >>共 495
security 13.32%
personnel 5.30%
policy 5.02%
business 2.82%
money 2.65%
trade 2.60%
intelligence 2.14%
immigration 2.14%
health 1.98%
budget 1.86%
personnel + n. >>共 270
carrier 43.62%
change 6.01%
director 5.98%
decision 4.72%
matter 3.12%
file 2.23%
department 2.13%
manager 1.93%
move 1.83%
cost 1.50%
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