1.   Disciplinary penalties range from probation to expulsion.

2.   If disciplinary charges are brought against Driscoll, penalties could range from private reproach to disbarment.

3.   If the State Bar inquiry results in formal charges, possible penalties range from reproval to suspension to disbarment, Charles said.

4.   In the past, penalties have ranged from simple repayment of the benefits received to repayment plus suspension.

5.   Penalties can range from in-school suspension to expulsion.

6.   Penalties range from a reprimand to expulsion, but the most severe sanction is not expected.

7.   Penalties range from one day to three months in jail for second-time users, and up to three years for heavy users, according to federal police.

8.   The most likely penalties range from reprimand to censure, which would force his resignation as speaker.

9.   The most likely penalties range from a reprimand to censure, which would block Gingrich from serving as speaker.

10.   The penalties range from a relatively small fine for first time offenders to five years in prison.

n. + range >>共 879
topic 1.71%
reaction 1.50%
color 1.16%
charge 1.16%
sentence 1.11%
estimate 1.03%
injury 1.03%
problem 0.99%
symptom 0.99%
wide 0.94%
penalty 0.81%
penalty + v. >>共 225
be 50.77%
include 3.93%
apply 2.08%
come 1.69%
range 1.46%
have 1.39%
kick 1.08%
give 0.85%
take 0.85%
face 0.85%
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