1.   Arab leaders repeatedly sought on Thursday to put Israel on the diplomatic defensive, saying that lasting peace depended on the Israeli reaction.

2.   Boris Mayorsky, the Russian delegate to the Bonn meeting, said Wednesday that peace depended on NATO stopping the bombing.

3.   But if inner peace depends on that control, your peace of mind could frequently be at risk.

4.   But the peace depended on him.

5.   Peace did not depend on them, the statement said, but on the government and the people.

6.   The peace depends heavily on the man who aroused the murderous violence in the first place, President Slobodan Milosevic of Serbia.

7.   The two stars meet often and crazily enough to keep the movie on track, especially after Vitti decides that his peace of mind depends entirely on the doctor.

8.   To leave the task much longer to military commanders would create unacceptable risks for the NATO force on which peace ultimately depends.

9.   Peace depends on issues such as the return of refugees, human rights guarantees and freedom of movement.

10.   And the prime minister himself said peace depends on the hard work and good faith of those directly involved.

n. + depend >>共 1166
success 4.03%
lot 3.09%
answer 2.75%
life 2.00%
survival 1.59%
future 1.57%
decision 1.33%
company 1.21%
economy 1.18%
country 1.16%
peace 0.43%
peace + v. >>共 209
be 41.60%
come 8.05%
process 2.34%
return 2.28%
hold 2.18%
bring 2.18%
remain 2.01%
take 2.01%
seem 1.96%
have 1.85%
depend 0.98%
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