1.   Barak lost his parliamentary majority in the legislature on the eve of the Camp David talks, when three religious and rightist parties quit to protest the peace talks.

2.   His ruling coalition had already lost its parliamentary majority before he left for Washington when two ultra-Orthodox parties quit the government in disagreement over the peace process.

3.   Levy served as housing minister under Barak until his party quit the government last summer in protest against expected concessions to the Palestinians.

4.   The Rashtriya Janata Dal party may also quit.

5.   Rabbis call on religious party to quit Israeli government.

6.   A liberal-leaning party quit early this year to join a new center-right group, the Civic Platform.

7.   Greens leader Joshka Fischer wants the party to quit squabbling and implement policies, rather than just protesting them from the outside.

8.   Klaus spoke briefly to reporters after dashing back from a Central European summit in Sarajevo following word from two of the three governing parties they were quitting his cabinet.

9.   Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu, a spiritual leader of the National Religious Party, hinted that the party would quit the coalition.

10.   Sarney told a minister of her Liberal Front Party, or PFL, that the party should quit all ministerial posts, Folha Online newswire reported Sunday.

n. + quit >>共 366
people 4.91%
player 3.34%
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minister 2.51%
employee 2.09%
member 1.88%
woman 1.78%
party 1.78%
official 1.67%
worker 1.67%
party + v. >>共 674
be 12.11%
have 4.95%
say 3.54%
agree 2.90%
win 2.21%
want 1.40%
take 1.33%
hold 1.23%
call 1.16%
make 1.02%
quit 0.08%
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