1.   During April parliament debated and approved a directive detailing the reporting procedures under which voluntary euthanasia was permissible.

2.   A final report will be written in November, and parliament will debate the issues sometime next year.

3.   Hartman noted that the Russian parliament debated the impeachment of Russian President Boris Yeltsin within the provisions of the post-Soviet constitution without resorting to force.

4.   Monday alone, the parliament debated two motions of no confidence in Prime Minister Ehud Barak, one from the right and the other from the left.

5.   Parliament debates laws and then enacts them, and Shevardnadze has abolished the semiofficial band of thugs called the Mkhedrioni.

6.   Parliament is debating a supplementary budget for the current year through March, after which it will take up the regular budget for the following year.

7.   Parliament will debate the plan this summer.

8.   Parliament is debating the use of public money to buy shares of banks and protect depositors.

9.   Recently parliament finally debated the subject in a very brief and very controlled session.

10.   Russia is a particular concern, especially as its parliament debates whether to ratify an arms reduction treaty.

n. + debate >>共 305
parliament 7.01%
official 5.20%
lawmaker 5.04%
leader 2.99%
scientist 2.92%
expert 2.84%
investor 2.44%
minister 2.36%
senator 2.29%
member 2.29%
parliament + v. >>共 468
approve 11.23%
be 8.18%
pass 7.37%
vote 6.28%
have 4.43%
adopt 2.71%
meet 2.67%
ratify 2.24%
reject 1.84%
debate 1.72%
每页显示:    共 88