1.   The paper published a review of her book.

2.   Only papers published or in the press are numbered and included in the reference list.

3.   Some Italian papers publish lists of those rounded up the previous day together with little maps marking the cities where the companies implicated have their factories.

4.   He said the Sunday Mirror had offered to publish an apology but Elton John had rejected it because the paper had recklessly published the article.

5.   Already, an advertising sales representative has tried to get the paper to publish a news article about a client.

6.   And despite its readership, the paper often publishes unflattering stories on gay leaders and organizations.

7.   Apparently no other Canadian paper published the little story, which meant Davies was subjected to threats of lost advertising from the company.

8.   Back when Brunell first arrived, the paper would publish articles by refugees like Thomas Mann, Franz Werfel, Lion Feuchtwanger and Hannah Arendt.

9.   A scientific paper published last week reports that an important protein that defends the body against cancer also promotes aging in mice.

10.   But after the paper published a feature story on McGruder, his fans started popping up.

n. + publish >>共 385
newspaper 22.18%
magazine 5.80%
paper 5.21%
company 4.47%
government 3.94%
group 2.82%
report 2.13%
poll 1.49%
journal 1.38%
study 1.17%
paper + v. >>共 647
say 38.21%
be 8.71%
report 5.18%
quote 3.10%
add 2.30%
have 1.72%
publish 1.53%
give 1.24%
run 0.80%
cite 0.69%
每页显示:    共 97