1.   The final pact does call for a few highly technical changes in the rules for anti-dumping cases.

2.   The new pact calls for a NATO and Russian force under United Nations auspices to deploy only in and near Kosovo.

3.   The pact then calls for the House managers to present their case over three days, beginning Thursday.

4.   The pact calls for parties to take measures to protect children from abuse, violence and neglect.

5.   The pact calls for some job security language, higher pensions, a more favorable cost-of-living adjustment and severance pay for dislocated workers.

6.   As an additional stimulus to investment, the new pact calls for tax reductions on company profits which are reinvested in machinery and equipment.

7.   That pact called for further negotiations on pulling out Israel troops and holding elections as a step toward expanding Palestinian autonomy.

8.   That pact called for negotiating the withdrawal of Israeli troops from population centers and holding elections for a Palestinian council.

9.   That pact called for negotiations on withdrawing Israeli troops from population centers and holding elections for a Palestinian council.

10.   The economic pact calls for the two countries to share expertise and promote growth in agriculture, industry, banking and trade.

n. + call >>共 869
plan 4.35%
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government 2.06%
people 1.96%
agreement 1.74%
critic 1.65%
report 1.08%
party 1.04%
pact 0.20%
pact + v. >>共 234
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call 4.65%
give 2.97%
provide 2.67%
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include 2.18%
come 1.88%
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