1.   From reluctant acceptance, the village mood was rapidly transformed into outright hostility.

2.   Competition and struggle may be the watchwords but this does not necessarily imply outright hostility.

3.   Once again they oscillated between friendship with the Romans and outright hostility, depending on the possibility of imperial recognition and acceptance.

4.   The fact that Keynes had severe reservations, occasionally bordering on outright hostility, towards the applicability of econometric methods to macroeconomics was swept to one side.

5.   Among white political groups, the reaction to the ruling was typically negative, running from carefully worded statements of displeasure to outright hostility.

6.   As the Kranks proceed with their plan not to decorate a tree or give their annual party, the community reacts with bewilderment and outright hostility.

7.   After years of general apathy, if not outright hostility, toward religion, students are flocking to Bible readings, worship services and spiritual retreats.

8.   But if the Houston experience and history are any guide, each effort will receive only ambiguous support from Republicans and perhaps outright hostility from Big Business.

9.   But reactions from others ranged from skepticism to outright hostility.

10.   But the anger, the outright hostility, clearly infects large numbers of motorists, regardless of their age, gender, class or police record.

a. + hostility >>共 308
outright 4.03%
open 3.80%
growing 3.57%
public 3.23%
renewed 2.65%
lingering 2.30%
escalating 2.30%
mutual 2.07%
racial 1.96%
ethnic 1.84%
outright + n. >>共 522
independence 7.00%
majority 6.24%
ban 5.64%
victory 4.61%
sale 3.20%
purchase 2.06%
hostility 1.90%
fraud 1.79%
winner 1.74%
lie 1.47%
每页显示:    共 35