1.   Behind the relatively simple physiological basis of oral rehydration therapy lurks a hidden danger.

2.   Rehydration with oral rehydration solutions containing monomeric glucose as substrate has been considered the most important therapeutic breakthrough of this century.

3.   Efforts at improving oral rehydration solutions have hitherto focused on the role of various substances in improving small bowel absorption.

4.   Cereal based oral rehydration solutions are significantly better than the standard glucose oral rehydration solutions in the treatment of diarrhoea.

5.   Similarly, the addition of food to oral rehydration solution further restricts fluid losses and significantly shortens the duration of diarrhoea.

6.   Attention to enhancing colonic conservation in acute diarrhoea by increasing luminal SCFA may further improve the efficacy of oral rehydration treatment.

7.   But unless this is combined with techniques like vaccination and knowledge of oral rehydration, diseases like measles and diarrhoea are child killers.

a. + rehydration >>共 7
oral 70.21%
aggressive 14.89%
intravenous 6.38%
cheap 2.13%
complete 2.13%
modern 2.13%
salt 2.13%
oral + n. >>共 289
argument 20.48%
commitment 5.60%
vaccine 4.03%
agreement 3.34%
rehydration 2.25%
medication 2.25%
drug 2.12%
surgeon 2.12%
cancer 2.05%
health 1.84%
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