1.   Look in your school library for information about that or other oil spills.

2.   In fact, those living near pipelines often gripe that they are worse off because of the threat of rebel attacks and oil spills.

3.   Murre populations have also been diminished in recent years by other factors, said Sydeman, most notably oil spills.

4.   Oil spilled from a pipeline that connects the Point Pedernales Field off Santa Barbara County with shore-based processing facilities.

5.   Petrobras has said that no oil has spilled yet.

6.   A hose broke loose and oil spilled into the water.

7.   Authorities were working to clean up the damage but did not say how much oil had spilled.

8.   Bernama did not say how the oil spilled from the tanker.

9.   Environmentalists say that oil spills, toxic dumping, dredging for more development and slightly treated effluent pose threats that the dolphins may not be able to overcome.

10.   In the latest attack, oil spilled into the River Catatumbo near the border with Venezuela.

n. + spill >>共 513
violence 3.78%
conflict 3.41%
war 2.12%
crowd 2.03%
oil 1.84%
water 1.84%
tension 1.84%
people 1.66%
air 1.47%
emotion 1.20%
oil + v. >>共 357
be 27.97%
flow 2.87%
come 2.60%
begin 2.28%
fall 2.23%
have 2.18%
rise 2.18%
leak 1.59%
company 1.43%
start 1.27%
spill 1.06%
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