1.   It is not only the breeding pair that occupies the territory around a nest.

2.   They munch native Marine life, mow down food supplies and occupy territory, Carlton said.

3.   But if these fighting soldiers have already occupied territory, you need another unit to secure the territory you have taken.

4.   But he has succeeded in calming fears in Washington and Oregon communities around the laboratory, which occupies a territory the size of Rhode Island.

5.   But the case of the face occupies murky territory in the film industry.

6.   For its part, Ethiopia denies that these regions ever belonged to Eritrea and has accused Eritrean troops of occupying its territory around Badame illegally since early May.

7.   For most of its history, however, the territory was occupied successively by Persians, Muslim Arabs, Mongols, Ottoman Turks and Russians.

8.   He added he was against making peace with Israel while it still occupies Arab territories and praised Syria for its insistence on total Israeli withdrawal from the Golan Heights.

9.   In their effort to conjure the body without actually depicting it, these works occupied a territory defined by Eva Hesse and Louise Bourgeois.

10.   Israel cannot occupy Palestinian territories indefinitely, and it must assist the Palestinian territories in reducing the squalor and hopelessness that plagues many of those communities.

v. + territory >>共 350
enter 9.55%
use 4.83%
leave 2.96%
seize 2.76%
cross 2.64%
defend 2.56%
occupy 2.24%
control 2.16%
recapture 2.08%
annex 2.04%
occupy + n. >>共 484
building 5.11%
position 4.07%
land 3.81%
space 3.38%
house 3.25%
part 3.03%
office 2.82%
territory 2.43%
site 2.08%
time 1.95%
每页显示:    共 56