1.   There is no need to bring a lot of detail into the negotiations at this stage.

2.   The PAC also asserted that there was no basis for genuine negotiations at present.

3.   This arrangement was reached at two rounds of negotiations at Geneva, designated by the press contingent Geneva I and Geneva II.

4.   Despite the negotiations at Akkerman, Nicholas soon had to fight the Turks.

5.   American enthusiasm for an offensive against Serbia has scarcely wavered during the weeks of negotiations at Rambouillet and Paris.

6.   Another possible obstacle to the merger may come from the negotiations at the World Trade Organisation in Geneva to liberalise basic telecommunications markets.

7.   Another name often mentioned is Zachary Ramsey, assistant director for research and negotiation at the council.

8.   Because labor negotiations at key state firms like the Seoul subway usually set precedents for talks at private companies, management is alarmed.

9.   Both sides had agreed beforehand that there would be no negotiations at the meeting.

10.   Both sides will discuss their progress in negotiations at a district meeting next week.

n. + at >>共 1572
official 1.86%
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place 0.64%
job 0.63%
worker 0.61%
year 0.56%
professor 0.56%
negotiation 0.06%
negotiation + p. >>共 56
with 39.75%
on 15.07%
between 14.98%
for 6.67%
in 6.43%
over 5.04%
at 1.48%
by 1.02%
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