1.   This model shows one route linking early loss to depression for working-class women through premarital pregnancy, and poor coping, making continued working-class status more likely.

2.   The new station, known as Didcot B, will be built next to the six cooling towers of Didcot A.

3.   This model shows how it will be less obtrusive with only two low-level chimneys and a number of small cooling towers.

4.   Already bigger models are showing in the bay.

5.   A model showed a picture Ms. Bassman had made of her to her husband, an art director at an advertising agency.

6.   But even the Rosenberg-Diamond model is showing cracks.

7.   Computer models show that in a Category IV storm, Key West would be under water, Jarrell said.

8.   Computer models show a second major Arctic air mass belting the Rockies this weekend, perhaps laying down a blanket of snow on Folsom Field.

9.   Her mathematical models showed that it made sense.

10.   His model showed the bridge locked into an open position, its angles augmented and jutting into space with a frenetic energy.

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