1.   Dad got killed in a mine explosion.

2.   And on Saturday, the U.S. suffered its first casualty when a soldier was wounded in a mine explosion.

3.   Even today, experts warn, it may not be easy to distinguish secret nuclear blasts from false alarms such as small earthquakes, mine explosions, exploding meteors.

4.   He said a mine explosion in southern Lebanon, in which no one was wounded, showed cooperation between the Palestinian group and the Lebanese-based Hezbollah guerrillas.

5.   In Shomali Plains alone, one person is injured from mine explosions every day.

6.   In western Bosnia, two British soldiers were slightly wounded by a mine explosion on Saturday.

7.   Less than three weeks later, Kempner was killed in a mine explosion near Tien Phu.

8.   Ms. Albright had asked for a new policy on mines after she visited Angola, where thousands of young men and children have lost limbs in mine explosions.

9.   Swabby remained quiet as the landing craft closed on the beach and was not disturbed by passing planes, artillery shells or mine explosions.

10.   The assault on the villages came in response to two mine explosions on nearby roads that killed at least four Russian soldiers.

n. + explosion >>共 323
bomb 18.75%
gas 13.11%
mine 6.79%
test 6.27%
grenade 5.41%
mortar 2.30%
car 2.07%
morning 1.84%
pipeline 1.50%
landmine 1.38%
mine + n. >>共 267
field 9.68%
explosion 8.52%
blast 4.48%
official 3.61%
owner 3.39%
worker 3.39%
shaft 3.32%
operator 2.24%
manager 2.17%
accident 2.17%
每页显示:    共 117