1.   In most instances the disease can be controlled by medication.

2.   Mr Recorder Shaun Spencer QC placed Ninham on probation for two years on condition he takes medication to control his libido.

3.   Bender took regular medication to control his epilepsy, in part at the urging of his wife, Liza.

4.   Besides taking medications to control the physical symptoms, Leyden stopped avoiding places where she had had panic attacks in the past.

5.   Both patients had the complications controlled by medication without serious damage, he added.

6.   But the deal was canceled because Houston doctors were fearful of a kidney condition that is being controlled by medication.

7.   Davis has suffered from migraines most of his life, but takes medication to control the problem.

8.   He finally came clean years after he retired and still needs medication to control it.

9.   He takes medication to control combativeness, the result of his confusion, which cuts into his therapy.

10.   He takes medication to control the seizures and sees a psychiatrist once a month.

n. + control >>共 891
government 5.85%
rebel 5.57%
party 3.79%
company 3.24%
force 3.21%
troop 2.39%
arm 1.89%
hard-liner 1.32%
group 1.13%
state 1.10%
medication 0.93%
medication + v. >>共 160
be 23.00%
help 7.41%
control 6.46%
cause 4.75%
work 2.85%
have 2.28%
treat 1.90%
prevent 1.90%
make 1.52%
fail 1.33%
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