1.   Apple cider also poses problems, in part because the whole fruit, including the skin, is used in making juice.

2.   As merchants pulled juices made by Odwalla Inc. from their shelves last week, health officials and food scientists across the West pondered how to prevent such outbreaks.

3.   After all, juice is made from fruit, which is inherently healthful.

4.   But federal and state inspection reports confirm that the company used apples from two loads with relatively high defect levels on the day the tainted juice was made.

5.   Have you ever tried to make banana juice?

6.   If not cold enough, freeze for another hour and continue scraping until all the iced juice is made into a snowy granite.

7.   In addition to praying, the nuns perform physical tasks such as gardening, sewing habits, making fruit juice and cleaning.

8.   In other words, let China be the Budweiser of apples, making juice for the global masses.

9.   It recommended that such persons avoid ice, unheated beverages, juice made from concentrate and soda-fountain beverages.

10.   Moreover, most people had not realized that the bottled juice was also made from concentrate.

v. + juice >>共 197
add 9.53%
lime 7.20%
squeeze 5.51%
drink 5.19%
pour 4.45%
have 2.97%
reserve 2.75%
use 2.65%
get 2.22%
release 2.22%
make 1.91%
make + n. >>共 695
decision 5.09%
sense 2.96%
progress 2.62%
money 2.37%
mistake 2.08%
change 2.05%
way 1.91%
comment 1.73%
difference 1.71%
statement 1.61%
juice 0.01%
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