1.   Caffeine helps to mobilize body fat and make it available as fuel for exercising muscles, allowing them to work longer before they fatigue.

2.   Cowens is timing his delayed entry, making himself available as a foul line jump shooter.

3.   Earlier, in a telephone conversation, President Bush assured Owens that federal emergency funds would be made available as needed.

4.   Even when information is made available as text, it can sometimes be difficult to find.

5.   For those without Internet access, applications will be made available as in years past.

6.   Funds for linking schools and libraries to the Internet will be made available as needed, not all at once.

7.   Funds for linking schools and libraries to the Internet will be made available as needed.

8.   Gruber, who will see the performance at the University of Judaism, has made herself available as a resource.

9.   Her explanation was made available as a letter through Fawzi.

10.   Pataki has made treatment available as an alternative to prison for some drug crimes, though the program is small in scope.

v. + available + as >>共 7
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