1.   A closer look reveals a galaxy of gossamer threads that reach out to anchor the organism to rocks or other surfaces.

2.   As for the art available, a statistical look reveals a conservative and Market-wary shift toward well established names.

3.   A close look at EarthLink reveals a company poised, not for takeovers, but to grow and remain independent.

4.   A closer look revealed that he was right.

5.   A closer look reveals only more contradiction.

6.   A closer look reveals that the pedals are metal plates screwed onto the regular rubber throttle and brake pedals.

7.   A close look here and there will reveal a diamond among the dust.

8.   A closer look revealed that the wind had blown the sheet edge-wise into the tree trunk, digging out a three-foot slot of the wood.

9.   A closer look reveals the FDA may not be the problem.

10.   A close look reveals that here a traditional hunting scene has been reversed.

n. + reveal >>共 1133
test 5.77%
investigation 4.80%
survey 2.51%
official 2.31%
autopsy 2.29%
report 2.20%
study 2.00%
examination 1.80%
police 1.64%
company 1.55%
look 0.73%
look + v. >>共 351
be 34.00%
like 11.04%
set 6.02%
reveal 1.95%
come 1.89%
show 1.53%
cross 1.30%
make 1.24%
have 1.06%
seem 0.94%
每页显示:    共 33