1.   For example, when and into whose custody would the Libyan suspects be extradited?

2.   In April, the United Nations lifted stiff sanctions against Libya after Gadhafi handed over the two Libyan suspects to U.N. officials.

3.   Reuters reported last year that France planned to try four Libyan suspects in absentia, including a brother-in-law of Col. Moammar Gadhafy, Abdallah Senoussi.

4.   The proposal to try the Libyan suspects in the Netherlands in front of Scottish judges had been discussed for months before it was made public in July.

5.   The Scottish lawyers defending the two suspects will try to raise doubts by citing the other theories that prosecutors pursued before settling on the two Libyan suspects.

6.   A hearing begins in the Hague on Monday to decide where a trial of the two Libyan suspects should be held.

7.   As part of the American and British offer, the two Libyan suspects would be tried by a panel of three Scottish judges under Scottish law in the Netherlands.

8.   Both countries had a successful role in solving the surrender of two Libyan suspects in the bombing of a Pan Am jetliner over Lockerbie, Scotland.

9.   British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook said Sunday that the Libyan suspects are closer to facing trial but that a clear agreement from Libya is still needed.

10.   Britain is not interested in arranging for two Libyan suspects in a jumbo jet bombing to be tried in another country, Prime Minister John Major said Tuesday.

a. + suspect >>共 488
the 13.05%
prime 8.26%
terrorist 3.64%
second 3.43%
possible 3.12%
criminal 2.75%
main 2.67%
chief 2.37%
usual 2.35%
key 2.34%
libyan 0.66%
libyan + n. >>共 306
leader 28.88%
television 5.39%
official 4.59%
government 4.42%
capital 4.00%
intelligence 3.07%
authority 2.69%
pilgrim 1.94%
plane 1.73%
suspect 1.60%
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