1.   The jury will then receive jury instructions and begin deliberations.

2.   The two sides will discuss jury instructions with the judge Friday, and will present closing arguments next Tuesday and Wednesday.

3.   ATV shareholders said the appeals court correctly gave the trial judge some discretion to decide whether incorrect jury instructions actually resulted in an unfair result.

4.   A federal appeals court overturned the decision, citing a flawed jury instruction.

5.   A divided state Supreme Court let the jury instructions and ruling stand.

6.   But additional witnesses, prolonged haggling over jury instructions and the Jewish holiday of Rosh ha-Shanah are likely to thwart his schedule.

7.   But because of the specific nature of the law and the jury instructions, the jury awarded damages only to Kline and Taylor.

8.   But, they said, superb closing arguments from the government or final jury instructions on the law that strongly favor the government could win the case for prosecutors.

9.   By sticking to boilerplate jury instructions, judges guard against an overturned verdict because a jury had been misinstructed on the law.

10.   Even with the questionable jury instructions, however, Price contends the jury knew what it was doing when it sentenced Penry to death.

n. + instruction >>共 241
jury 10.43%
classroom 6.46%
package 4.64%
language 4.47%
safety 4.14%
installation 2.65%
government 1.99%
flight 1.66%
police 1.66%
art 1.49%
jury + n. >>共 205
selection 25.74%
trial 12.11%
pool 5.15%
verdict 4.95%
award 4.67%
duty 4.55%
room 3.70%
system 3.62%
deliberation 3.18%
foreman 2.94%
instruction 2.53%
每页显示:    共 63