1.   Another theme at the hearing was union job guarantees for stadium construction and operations.

2.   Braude pointed out, however, that the job guarantees apply only to defense contractors, not to manufacturing companies, a much larger group.

3.   Braude said the language in the bill is so broad that defense contractors could avoid meeting the job guarantees altogether by using various forms of creative accounting.

4.   A congressional panel delayed a vote on government plan to scrap lifetime job guarantees for public workers until next week, out of concern the measure might pass.

5.   Crew pushed through some sweeping changes in the organization of the school system, from gutting corrupt and incompetent community school boards to ending lifetime job guarantees for principals.

6.   Even so, differences remain over the job guarantees and other issues.

7.   For teachers, certification is no job guarantee, except possibly for those trained in science, math, or bilingual education.

8.   For the most part, workers are willing to take that chance because they know they can no longer count on a lifetime job guarantee anyway.

9.   GM sees important exceptions to the jobs guarantee, such as in the case of productivity gains, market share declines or poorly performing plants.

10.   In recent months, unions representing chemical and car workers throughout Germany have accepted job guarantees in lieu of substantial wage increases.

n. + guarantee >>共 202
security 26.14%
loan 21.31%
government 6.63%
safety 4.12%
money-back 3.93%
job 3.41%
credit 2.96%
investment 2.19%
bank 2.19%
lifetime 1.74%
job + n. >>共 366
cut 10.78%
loss 7.03%
security 6.51%
market 6.43%
growth 5.54%
creation 4.32%
offer 3.38%
training 3.04%
opportunity 2.84%
report 2.66%
guarantee 0.45%
每页显示:    共 53