1.   Central Government publish general advice on a wide range of planning issues through planning policy guidance notes and circulars.

2.   I really should have had an accountant to act as a buffer, and filter all money issues through his skeptical gaze.

3.   The government claims that it is tackling this issue through its Making Belfast Work programme.

4.   The government avoided a war by successfully resolving the issues through diplomacy.

5.   The six leaders agreed that ASEAN should intensify debate on security and political issues through the mechanism of the ASEAN Post-Ministerial Conferences.

6.   Keep up to date with risk assessment and risk management issues through continuing professional development.

7.   Another change would make stock that companies issue through private placements more attractive to potential investors.

8.   Armstrong, currently in Spain, answered questions about the issue through e-mail from Europe.

9.   Archer contended Congress could address the citizenship issue through legislation, but other lawmakers believe a constitutional amendment would be necessary.

10.   As they look at the FDA issue through an investing lens, however, people must be sure not to overassess the impact of Washington on Wall Street.

n. + through >>共 1504
way 5.85%
midway 2.79%
money 0.83%
march 0.60%
swing 0.60%
trip 0.59%
service 0.56%
route 0.55%
water 0.55%
walk 0.51%
issue 0.25%
issue + p. >>共 76
of 42.31%
in 13.16%
with 6.75%
for 5.80%
such_as 4.28%
like 3.75%
as 3.33%
on 2.84%
to 2.50%
at 2.31%
through 0.40%
每页显示:    共 109